Weird Stuff, Love, and Silence

May 15, 2020

This life has been filled with some very weird happenings. Being born on Halloween was a really good joke, as the energy and opening of my first day on this earth decided to stick around! Amidst an otherwise normal childhood, ghosts would come and tell me their regrets and fears, sometimes asking to be helped along. Angels would descend with their particular frequency, inviting me to listen to their music, demons came to be accepted and to give me tests in overcoming fear. Faeries and gnomes hid in the rhubarb patch and the school library, hoping to be seen by those who had not yet shuttered their innocent softness, telling me about books and where coins were buried. Golden portals would open at random, showering a heavenly light. Specific knowledge has arrived seemingly on its own without any prior exposure, which provided a decided advantage in school and as I took up a practice, allowed more time in meditation and less in study. Day dreams have always occurred with great regularity, opening into full blown and often very useful precognitions. Much of it I didn't take seriously, but it was there all the same. It seems that the "veils have been thin."

Thankfully, those perceptual channels weren’t fully shut down as can be the case and I am even more grateful that all of that experiential territory was ultimately integrated into the far deeper context of Samadhi, the unified field of Consciousness, for it is that place which liberates a soul. The 30 odd years of experiencing and exploring this varied terrain, has led to perceiving a certain subtle architecture underlying and permeating the human world, and has also led to the recognition of certain universally connective strands and patterns woven throughout, primary among all of them has been love.

For, in all of these experiences across veils, the things that were shown to be most important were to find and relax into the Silence, open to the Love that flows from it, and from there, to live wholly, leaving nothing on the table. Most of us can not "carpe diem" enough! I once thought that emotions like anger, jealousy, and sadness were what people repressed the most, but the last 20 years have demonstrated that we may very well tend to push harder at our own vast Presence, and the Joy, Bliss, and Love which are its attendants. Where there is Silence, there is fertile soil for Love to emerge.

One need not have any experience of this “invisible ecology” for there to be significant evolution. If the mind is resting in Silence, life is permeated by Love and Wholeness, and we find ourselves effortlessly gliding with the current of Life, what more is there to ask for?


Enlightenment is an Accident, but Spiritual Practice Makes one Accident Prone


Relax, what you are looking for really is looking for you!